June 11, 2011

Facebook and 6-Traits Time to make the connection!

Find great writing contacts on Facebook!

I've just setup a page on Facebook. You'll find the 6-Traits Resources page here.  

Please drop by and click LIKE?  ~ Den

Corbett Harrison's Facebook Page 

The National Writing Project Digital Writing Page

National Writing Project  Digital IS

Be sure to check out the Digital IS webpage as well!

Vicki Spandel and Jeff Hicks on Facebook 6-Trait Gurus  

Don't miss their new SixTraitsGurus Blog

National Writing Project - Help Keep It Alive!

NWP's web resources are spectacular.  Join for NWP Interactive  Free!

June 3, 2011

Word Mandalas & Pizza Memories

Teaching and Assessing Writing with the 6-Traits (Online Graduate Class)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Barry Lane's YouTube Channel!

Barry Lane!
YouTube - Explode a Moment with Barry Lane

This is a terrific mini lesson from Barry Lane. He shows (not tells) how to explode a moment into a full page of rich writing. The visuals in this video will catch any student's attention. I've called this technique the Magnified Moment. It's also tied to the idea of using imaginary binoculars to really see the details of an event. Fun to watch, this video is part of "Barry in a Box", a book and dvd Barry is selling on his website: www.discoverwriting.com

A Horn for Louis, how Louis Armstrong found his passion. Great anecdotes about Armstrong, Marc Chagall, and Harry Houdini that lead to Kimmel's books. Children's author Eric Kimmel describes how to find your passion. More information about Eric's work at www.erickimmel.com.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.